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What's New in Grain: Collections, Bulk Actions, and Support for Google Meet and Teams

Last updated: 

October 21, 2024

Jeff Whitlock

Jeff Whitlock

Our latest batch of updates makes it easier for you to record, organize, and share customer meetings on Grain. Read on to learn more. 

Group and Share Your Meetings with Collections

Introducing Collections. A new way to share a group of meetings across your team—and control access. Have a series of user interviews from a research project? Want to organize your meetings with a specific customer? Just select the meetings from your library (or your workspace library) and add them to a new Collection.

Here are a few ways to use Collections:

  • Sales-to-success hand-off: Share all your calls with a specific customer over to the customer success manager during hand-off. 
  • User research deliverable: Create a playlist of user interviews from a specific project—for stakeholders and collaborators to review as necessary. 
  • Customer interviews: Curate and share all your customer interviews based on themes.

Organize Your Library using Bulk Actions

We’ve introduced bulk actions to make it easier for you to manage and organize your Library. 

Just hover over to select the meetings you’d like and then you can—delete, add to favorites, #tag, or add them to a Collection. Click “done” when you finish organizing.

Record Your Meetings on Meet and Teams

What so many of you have been waiting for is finally here!

Now you can capture the most important moments in your meetings on Google Meet and Microsoft Teams, not just Zoom! There's no integration required, just make sure your calendar is connected and Grain will join like usual.

Bring all your meetings from across different video conferencing platforms into Grain.

Upgrade Your Automation with Workspace Zaps

With our latest update, you can set up Zaps for everything in your workspace Library. When you’re creating a new Zap, you’ll see an option to set up triggers for your library, or your workspace Library.

Here are a few ways to use Workspace Zaps:

  • Automatically send highlights from all the customer meetings—whether hosted by you or your team—to the #voice-of-the-user Slack channel.
  • Add new user interviews from your research team to an Airtable database.  
  • Email sales calls from the entire team to the Head of Sales every day at a set time. 

To edit and update your pre-existing zaps, follow these simple steps

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