It's your data. You're in control.

There is a trade-off between two cardinal ideas: access and privacy. What is the value of each, when by definition you must give up some of one to get the other? At Grain, we believe that only participants IN the meeting should have initial access to the recording of it and that these participants should choose which parts of the content are shared and with whom.

At Grain, our job is to make it easy for you to share just the right parts with just the right audience. Have a question or need help? Shoot us an email.

Designed for your privacy, without compromise

We ensure the privacy of every call participant above all else. Prioritizing your privacy is a core value that has influenced everything we’ve made since day one.

Privacy is baked into our product development process and we rigorously evaluate the design of every new feature for any inadvertent "exposure risk" before releasing it.

Personalized, robust recording consent disclosures

Norms around recording are changing, but the ethics of recording remain the same. Every call recorded with Grain includes a personalized recording disclaimer to put your participants at ease.

Because Grain works in parallel with Zoom's cloud and local recording, you can leverage Zoom's native recording disclosures and attendee consent reporting.

Respectful, minimal data collection

Your video call data is what makes Grain work. But we are firmly against surveillance practices that suggest you need to track everything in order to create something great. So we only capture the data we need and are thoughtful about how we use it.

We push to de-identify your data where we can and delete it when no longer necessary. Further, we are transparent about what data we collect, how it’s used, and why. Read our Privacy Policy to learn more about our practices in detail.

Principles of privacy at Grain

Privacy is a function of security. At Grain, we prioritize both. Learn more about our security measures at Grain here.

We never sell your data. It's simple: Your personal information and calls are not for sale. Ever.

Our mission to Increase Shared Understanding is what drives our responsibility to advocate for best practices in security, privacy and online safety.

You can find our full legal privacy policy at Additionally, please reach out to us at with questions or concerns. Thank you.

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