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How to Create a Sales Meeting Agenda That Drives Your Team Towards Success

Last updated: 

October 21, 2024

Jeff Whitlock

Jeff Whitlock

Sales meetings should help your team close more deals. It's not a place to discuss what your team already knows, share status updates, or cover administrative issues.

What should a sales meeting be about?

It should enable your reps to receive feedback, explore new ideas to try, acquire product knowledge, understand how to accelerate deals in the pipeline and feel energized and confident to meet their quota.

It's more straightforward than it sounds. All you need is a meeting agenda that addresses your team's primary concerns and goals. As Jeffrey Gitomer, a renowned sales leader, puts it, to have a great sales meeting, set an agenda that works.

Need help? You've come to the right place. We'll help you understand how to design a meeting agenda for your sales meetings, explore some examples, and introduce tools to make your job easier.

Alright, let's get started.

Design Your Sales Meeting Agenda

While every sales team is different, there are some topics that you can include to improve your agenda.

Celebrate Wins

Introduce a "Celebrate Wins" session to start your meeting with energy and enthusiasm. Recognize achievements such as closed deals or surpassing monthly sales targets, as this boosts team morale and sets the tone for an engaging session.

Encourage the reps to share why they believe they were able to surpass targets and close larger deals compared to others.

"Let's all give a big shout-out to Sarah for nailing her sales target this month and closing a 6-figure deal! Sarah, could you take a minute to share what helped you succeed and give some tips for others to do the same?"

Share Key Sales Metrics

Discuss and share essential sales metrics and performance updates. Ideally, present them on a customizable dashboard (we'll cover this later). Data empowers the team with valuable insights to improve their sales strategies.

Here are some example metrics to share.

  • ARR and MRR: $X,XXX,XXX
  • MRR Growth rate: XX%
  • Sales Conversion Rate: XX%
  • New Leads Generated: XXX
  • Sales Cycle Length: XX days
  • Customer Retention Rate: XX%
  • Monthly Sales Target: $X, XXX, XXX (Achieved: XX%)

Reflect & Improve

Before moving on to new ideas, take a moment to review the outcomes of previous initiatives. Explore successful tactics and those that didn't quite meet the mark. Learning from achievements and setbacks nurtures a culture of growth and ongoing improvement.

"In our last meeting, we introduced a new follow-up email strategy, which led to a 20% increase in customer responses. But our LinkedIn outreach needs some work, so let's think together and develop better ideas to make it work."

Address Roadblocks

Encourage open discussions about the challenges the team is facing. Work together through role-playing exercises to come up with effective solutions. Overcoming challenges as a team strengthens unity and equips everyone with the skills to handle similar situations in the future.

"Many of you mentioned encountering objections related to price. Let's collaborate and develop responses that showcase value to our customers."

Share Industry Knowledge 

Help your team succeed in the long run by investing in their professional growth. Take a moment to share and talk about a recent industry report, competitive analysis, or an example of an outstanding email. This practical approach empowers your team with the tools they need to thrive in their roles.

"Vendr recently published a buyer insight report with interesting data on product categories buyers are interested in, average ACV, and more. Let's spend 5 minutes discussing my key takeaways and what we can learn from it."

Discuss Product Updates

It's important to dedicate 10-15 minutes of your meetings to showcase recent product updates and understand how they solve customers' pain points. Consider bringing in a product marketer or project manager to lead this session. Additionally, remember to share updated enablement assets that can help your team close deals faster.

"Our product team has released a new app in the HubSpot App Marketplace. Let's take 10 minutes to understand its benefits for our customers, the language we should use to describe them, and how we can upsell using this integration."

Align on the Next Steps

Before wrapping up the meeting; it's important to align on the next steps to ensure everyone knows what they need to do. Alignment ensures that all team members are on the same page and can work towards the same goals. Some key questions to consider when aligning on the next steps include:

  • What specific action items do we need to take?
  • Who is responsible for each action item?
  • What is the timeline for completing each action item?
  • How will progress be tracked and reported back to the team?

This discussion helps avoid confusion and ensures everyone works towards the same goals.

"So, our next steps are to update our sales collateral with the new app information and schedule a follow-up call with our top prospects next week. Sally will update the sales collateral, and John will schedule the follow-up calls. Let's aim to complete these tasks by Friday and we'll report back on progress in our next meeting."

End on a High Note

As the meeting ends, it's important to end on a positive and motivating note. A positive remark help boost team morale and create a sense of excitement and momentum around the work ahead of them.

Some ways to end on a high note include:

  • Recognize team members who have gone above and beyond
  • Share inspiring quotes or stories
  • Share how the sales team contributes to the company’s success 
"Before we wrap up, I want to take a moment to recognize all of the hard work over the past month. We've seen great progress, and I'm proud of what we've accomplished as a team. Keep up the good work and aim even higher for next month's meeting."

Tools to Run Better Sales Meetings

Sales Performance Analytics

Platforms like Salesforce, HubSpot CRM, or Pipedrive offer in-depth analytics on key sales metrics, allowing you to track individual and team performance over time.

Example: "Let's use Salesforce to review our sales pipeline and identify which stage needs more focus to ensure we meet our quarterly targets."

Interactive and Dynamic Presentations

Elevate your sales presentations with interactive software like Prezi, Pitch, or Google Slides. These tools allow you to create engaging and dynamic presentations that keep your team attentive and interested throughout the meeting.

Example: "Let's use Prezi to showcase our new product's features and benefits, including customer testimonials and interactive product demos."

Source: Pitch

Sales Gamification 

Motivate and engage your team with sales gamification platforms like Ambition or Hoopla. These tools introduce gamified elements, such as leaderboards, badges, and rewards, to encourage healthy competition and drive performance.

Example: "Starting this month, we'll have a leaderboard competition, and the top three performers will receive special incentives to keep the excitement high!"

Sales Call Library

Consider using AI sales meeting automation platforms like Grain.

Grain automatically records, transcribes, and organizes sales calls in a video library. It’s easier than ever to access and review calls. You can use the “People” filter to review calls related to specific opportunities, customers, or reps.

Understand your reps' talk-listen ratio, stitch together the best examples and insights into a playlist, and navigate through sales calls easily using speaker timelines.

Example: "Let's analyze the sales calls from the lost deal to identify areas for improvement and determine the necessary product improvement to close deals with enterprise companies successfully."

Agendas for Different Types of Sales Meetings

Weekly Sales Team Meeting Agenda

Date: [Insert Date] | Time: [Insert Time] 

Celebrating Wins (5 minutes) 

  • Recognize individual and team achievements from the past week. 
  • Share success stories and acknowledge outstanding efforts.

Reviewing Sales Metrics (10 minutes)

  • Discuss key performance indicators (KPIs) and progress toward targets. 
  • Analyze sales data and identify areas for improvement.

Sales Strategy Updates (10 minutes) 

  • Present updates on ongoing sales strategies and initiatives. 
  • Address any challenges faced and brainstorm solutions.

Address Roadblocks (15 mins)

  • Ask your team to share their common objections and roadblocks. 
  • Share solutions and brainstorm new ideas together as a team. 

Customer Insights (5 minutes) 

  • Share feedback from recent customer interactions or surveys. 
  • Discuss customer pain points and identify opportunities.

Upcoming Goals and Action Items (10 minutes) 

  • Define specific goals and action items for the upcoming week. 
  • Assign responsibilities and set deadlines.

Closing Thoughts and Motivation (5 minutes) 

  • End on an inspirational note, emphasizing the team's potential. 
  • Encourage teamwork and a positive mindset.

Monthly Sales Performance Review Agenda

Date: [Insert Date] | Time: [Insert Time]

Performance Highlights (10 minutes) 

  • Highlight top performers and outstanding achievements. 
  • Recognize team members who exceeded targets.

Sales Metrics Overview (15 minutes) 

  • Present a comprehensive overview of sales metrics for the month. 
  • Analyze trends and identify areas for improvement.

Deal Progress Review (20 minutes) 

  • Discuss the status of ongoing deals in the pipeline. 
  • Address potential bottlenecks and strategize the next steps.

Customer Feedback Analysis (15 minutes) 

  • Review customer feedback received during the month. 
  • Extract valuable insights to enhance customer relationships.

Goal Setting and Action Plan (20 minutes) 

  • Set clear sales targets for the upcoming month. 
  • Define action items and allocate responsibilities.

Sales Team Feedback (10 minutes) 

  • Encourage team members to share their feedback on the meeting format and content. 
  • Discuss any suggested improvements for future reviews.

Quarterly Sales Strategy Meeting Agenda

Date: [Insert Date] | Time: [Insert Time]

Quarterly Performance Recap (15 minutes) 

  • Evaluate sales performance and achievements over the quarter. 
  • Celebrate major successes and milestones.

Competitor Analysis (20 minutes) 

  • Conduct a thorough analysis of competitors' strategies. 
  • Identify areas where your team can gain a competitive advantage.

Sales Goal Progress (15 minutes) 

  • Review progress towards quarterly sales goals. 
  • Discuss challenges and strategies to meet targets.

New Product/Service Launch (30 minutes) 

  • Introduce any new products or services to the sales team. 
  • Provide training on selling the new offering effectively.

Sales Process Improvement (20 minutes) 

  • Brainstorm ideas to optimize the sales process. 
  • Discuss feedback from the sales team on process challenges.

Customer Success Stories (15 minutes) 

  • Share success stories and positive customer experiences. 
  • Discuss strategies for fostering long-term customer relationships.

Sales Team Feedback and Input (10 minutes) 

  • Invite team members to share their feedback on the quarter's strategies and goals. 
  • Encourage open discussions and idea-sharing.

Quarterly Sales Plan (15 minutes) 

  • Develop a concrete plan for the upcoming quarter, including key initiatives and priorities. 
  • Allocate responsibilities and set milestones.

1:1 Sales Meeting Agenda

Meeting Date: [Date] Meeting Time: [Time] 

Build Rapport (5 minutes)

  • Engage in small talk to build rapport and make the sales rep feel comfortable.

Achievements and Success Stories (5 minutes)

  • Celebrate the sales rep's recent successes, closed deals, and outstanding achievements.
  • Acknowledge their hard work and efforts, providing positive reinforcement.

Performance Review and Feedback (10 minutes)

  • Review the sales rep's performance against their set goals and key performance indicators (KPIs).
  • Offer specific and constructive feedback on areas of improvement and opportunities for growth.

Addressing Challenges and Obstacles (10 minutes)

  • Encourage the sales rep to share any challenges or roadblocks they are facing in their sales process.
  • Actively listen and guide on overcoming these challenges together.

Personal and Professional Development (5 minutes)

  • Discuss the sales rep's career aspirations and areas for personal and professional growth.
  • Identify training and skill development opportunities to support their career progression.

Goal Setting and Action Planning (5 minutes)

  • Collaborate to set realistic and achievable goals for the upcoming period.
  • Define clear action plans and strategies to reach these goals, outlining specific steps.

Sales Strategy Alignment (5 minutes)

  • Ensure the sales rep understands the company's overall sales strategy and vision.
  • Explain how their efforts contribute to the team's success and the organization's goals.

Recognition and Appreciation (5 minutes)

  • Express gratitude for the sales rep's dedication and commitment to their role.
  • Provide specific recognition for their contributions to the team and company.

Action Items and Follow-Up (5 minutes)

  • Summarize the key action items and decisions made during the meeting.
  • Assign responsibilities and deadlines for each action item.

Closing and Motivation (5 minutes)

  • End the meeting on an inspirational note, motivating the sales rep to achieve their goals.
  • Reiterate the sales manager's commitment to the rep's success and growth.

Tips to Run Productive Sales Meetings

As a sales manager, you're in the driver's seat for making your sales meetings impactful and successful. Here are some practical tips to help you run productive sales meetings that keep your team engaged and motivated.

Be Prepared and On Time: Start your sales meetings on time, and come prepared with a clear agenda and all the necessary materials. 

Stay Focused and Stay on Track: Stick to the agenda to avoid going off-topic and losing valuable time. During your sales meeting, prioritize key sales-related topics, such as potential leads, recent customer feedback, and upcoming deals.

Get Everyone Involved: Create a collaborative environment where everyone feels comfortable sharing their thoughts. Encourage your team to provide input and suggestions, like brainstorming ideas for a new sales campaign.

Sharpen Skills Together: Allocate time during sales meetings for skill-building activities. Conduct role-playing exercises where team members take turns playing the customer and the sales representative to hone their sales pitches and objection-handling skills.

Constructive Feedback is Key: Provide constructive feedback to your team, both individually and as a group. Use specific examples to praise colleagues for excellent approaches or offer guidance on improving specific aspects.

Set Clear Goals and Action Plans: End each meeting with clear action items and goals. Define specific steps to achieve targets, such as increasing prospecting efforts or enhancing customer retention strategies.

Foster a Culture of Improvement: Create a culture of continuous improvement within your team. Encourage open discussions on sales techniques and share success stories from team members, highlighting their achievements.

Be Respectful of Time: Keep your sales meetings concise and impactful. While camaraderie is important, be mindful of everyone's time. Guide discussions back to the agenda if they veer off-topic.

Seek Input and Encourage Growth: Regularly seek feedback from your team about the meeting format, content, and overall effectiveness. Act on their suggestions to improve future meetings. Additionally, support individual growth by identifying areas where team members can benefit from additional training or coaching.

Wrap Up

To sum up, having a successful sales meeting agenda is crucial to help your team reach its goals. To achieve this, take the time to plan the agenda carefully, use appropriate tools, and seek feedback to make improvements.

We’ll end with a simple idea from Mike Weinberg: “I have one very simple litmus test for sales team meetings. Do your people leave the meeting more aligned, more energized to sell, and better equipped to do their jobs? If the answer is no, then it’s time to make significant adjustments. I’d go as far as saying that until you get that figured out, I would suggest you stop meeting.”

Ask yourself this question: "Will the sales meeting help my team improve and close more deals?" Keep refining your agenda until you can confidently answer "YES!".

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